A Story to Tell, A Legacy to Leave Gathering together in the Late 25th Chogye R…


A Story to Tell, A Legacy to Leave

Gathering together in the Late 25th Chogye Rinpoche’s Room, a group of eager devotees listened to the vivid stories recounted by his current successor, 26th Chogye Rinpoche. We were awestruck by the immense blessings with some moving to tears as these were not ordinary stories of a mere mortal, but stories of an emanation of the great bodhisattva Maitreya. We pray that as the group disperse back to their daily lives, may they be inspired to follow the master’s footsteps, may they forge new aspirations, and may they create and retell their own legacies.


一群热心的信徒聚集在已故二十五任究给仁波切的房间里,聆听了一段生动逼真故事。是他现任的继承人、第二十六任究给仁波切所讲述。我们被巨大的加持所震撼,甚至有些感动落泪,因为这不是凡人的故事,而是弥勒大菩萨化身的故事。我们虔诚祈请,当这群佛友散去,回到日常生活时 – 愿他们受到启发,追随大师的脚步,愿他们树立新的发愿,愿他们创造并重述自己的故事。

