HE the 26th Chogye Trichen Ngawang Rinchen Rinpoche and Jamchen Lhankhang Entourage has began the Mahavairochana Ritual which will last for 5 days till 5th June.
Maha Vairochana is the chief mandala from the set of 12 arising from the Sarvadurgati Parishodhana Tantra (Eliminating All Bad Rebirths).
Maha means great, Vairochana means embodiment of light/luminous.
It is stated in the Amoghapasakalparaja Sutra: “any of the ten evil actions, five gravest transgressions and four heavy sins which one committed in the past, will be dissolved. If a sentient being, hears this Great Dharani anywhere, 2, 3, or 7 times, all bad (negative) karmas will be completely removed.”
Especially for those who are critically ill, suffering from terminal illnesses, or those going thru a tough time in life being plagued with past negative karma, the recitation of the dharani could purify the 5 elements in the body and thus alleviate sufferings.
Also, lets purify our inner, outer and secret obstacles for the benefit of all sentient beings so we could reach the supreme stage of Buddha Vairochana!💎
大日如来是来自《 佛顶尊胜陀罗尼经》(消除所有不良重生)的 12 套中的主要曼达啦。
(Maha)吗哈的意思是伟大,(Vairochana)毗卢遮那 的意思是光/光的化身。