His Eminence the 26th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche together with sangha members of Jamchen Lhakang Monastery gathered at Lumbini’s Tashi Rabten Ling to practise the Hevajra Drubchod in loving memory, supplication
and dedication of both His Eminence the Late 25th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche and the Late Luding Khenchen Rinpoche that their unsullied enlightened wishes may be accomplished.尊贵的第 26 任究给企仟仁波切与大弥勒寺僧众聚集在蓝毗尼的吉祥坚固(扎西然登)寺修持喜金刚成就大法会,以缅怀、祈请和回向已故的第 25 任究给企仟仁波切和已故的录顶堪千仟仁波切。祈愿他们纯洁的证悟愿望能足以实现。