Happy Lunar New Year Eve, for the next 15 days which commemorates Chotrul Duchen, we will be sharing about the 15 miracles which Shakyamuni Buddha performed.
The 15 Days of Miracles, or Chotrul Duchen are merit‐multiplying days in which any virtue performed is multiplied millions of times. We will be sharing about the miracles of Buddha at Sharvasti through Chotrul Duchen this year to help everyone recall the deeds of the Buddha.
在这十五天的神变节,藏名 Chotrul Duchen,含有殊胜功德,在此期间,每做一件善事,其功德都会比平日行相同善行所累计的功德增上十万倍。今天,我们即将于你们分享佛陀在舍卫国(Sharvasti)时示现大神变的故事,并让大家忆念佛陀的功德。
After Buddha’s enlightenment, he travelled to many places to teach many beings. From the highest caste of Kings and Ministers to common people, his teachings touched the hearts of many thus converting many non-believers and heretics to Buddhism.
At the 7th year after Buddha’s enlightenment, some heretical masters saw a decrease in their offerings, thus developing a strong sense of jealousy and hatred towards the Buddha. The 6 leaders of the main heretical schools gathered requesting King Bimbisara to hold a contest to challenge the Buddha in miraculous powers. As King Bimbisara was already a Buddhist, he was reluctant to hold the contest, but after many requests, he agreed. He thus requested the Buddha and the Buddha agreed to the contest.
在佛陀证悟后的第七年,外道师见供养减少便升起对佛陀强烈的妒忌心与曾恨心。主要外道的六师便集合,并祈求洴沙王 (Bimbisara) 举办比赛于佛陀较量神术显变的技能。因洴沙王以皈依佛门,他十分厌恶举办比赛,但因邪师们的多次要求,他不得不答应。
However, after agreeing, Buddha never attended the contest and instead travelled to many places from Rajagriha to Vaishali, Kausambi, Kapilavastu, and finally to Sharvasti. Along the way, as the 6 heretic masters were not satisfied, they requested the kings of each kingdom for a contest. And although Buddha agreed to the contests, he never participated in any and continued his travels to Sharvasti. When Buddha arrived at Sharvasti, he had gathered a huge gathering of the Kings and entourages from countries he travelled through and 6 heretic masters with over ninety thousand believers of heretics as people who knows about the contest followed him to Sharvasti.
后来,虽然佛陀答应参赛,可是参赛当天却缺席并离开了王舍城(Rajagriha) 前往毗舍离( Vaishali)了。佛陀一路的从王舍城,到毗舍离,到睒弥国 ( Kausambi), 到迦毗罗卫国(Kapilavastu),最后佛陀来到了舍卫国(Sharvasti). 在途中,因为六师的不满,他们跟随佛陀到各个城市,并且要求各国国王举办与佛陀较量神术显变的比赛。在各国,虽然佛陀一而再,再而三的答应比试,但他依然不出席。至道抵达舍卫国(Sharvasti)为止,因为大家听闻佛陀要与六邪师较量,就一一跟随。到了舍卫国时,他以聚集了所有他经过的国家的国王与随从,和六外道师与九万外多外道信徒。
With that, King Prasenajit requested the Buddha for the contest and Buddha accepted the contest a week later. King Prasenajit built a throne for the Buddha while the disciples of the evil heretic masters built the 6 other thrones.