Happy Mid Autumn Festival 中秋节快乐 此一颂显初地以前亦修十善,唯此地最为超胜,即微细毁犯,亦断除清净,故独名离垢也。印度夏为雨季,…


Happy Mid Autumn Festival 中秋节快乐


As the Bodhisattva has perfected the moral discipline of 10 virtues, they eradicated the finest of obscurations and gained purity like an autumn moon. In ancient India, Summer has been a rainy season and Autumn a dry season. With the cleansing of the rains in Summer, purifying the dust and dirt, the Autumn Moon is radiant, pure, clean and unobstructed. The light in Autumn is comfortable and soothing. These are the effects of the perfect moral discipline of a Bodhisattva.

