今天是萨嘎达瓦的最后一天,在印尼那兰陀中心在尼泊尔举办放生活动。在这最殊胜的日子,与所有印尼和新加坡的佛友们把所造的功德回向给一切受病痛折磨的众生, 也希望大家…


今天是萨嘎达瓦的最后一天,在印尼那兰陀中心在尼泊尔举办放生活动。在这最殊胜的日子,与所有印尼和新加坡的佛友们把所造的功德回向给一切受病痛折磨的众生, 也希望大家长寿安康,国家与国家之间放下所有争端,世界和平,和睦。

On the final day of Saga Dawa, Indonesia Nalendra Centre organized release of lifes. In this auspicious day, all dharma friends from Indonesia and Singapore dedicated all merits accrued to alleviate pain and illnesses of all sentient beings. May all enjoy longevity and good health. May conflicts between countries by pacified, to find worldwide peace and harmony.

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