In the midst of global pandemic, His Eminence the 26th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche has kindly put together a short video on 21 Tara Praises with qualities of each Tara and their forms for our individual practises
as we stay in our abodes. May all pandemic, illnesses, fears, poverty be allayed and may we all reach the stage of Tara.在全球大流行疫情中,尊贵的26任究给企仟仁波切将有关21度母的功德与形象整理成一段简短的视频以便我们在居家隔离期间修持。愿所有大流行病,疾病,恐惧,贫穷得以缓解,并愿我们大家都达到度母的境界。
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