Our Jamchen Lhakhang sangha are now packing up and preparing for the trip to Kuching, Sakya Cho Phag Ling under the directions of His Eminence the 26th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche for our annual Vesak Day Program
in Kuching, Malaysia. For dharma friends in Malaysia, do join them for a series of programs that has been lined up by guru to cater for the benefit of all.我们大弥勒寺的僧众们,在第26任的究给仁波切的领导下,正在收拾行李并准备前往古晋,萨迦佛教协会的旅程,参加我们在马来西亚古晋举行的年度卫塞节活动。欢迎我们马来西亚的佛友们踊跃参加!