Just as diligent disciples of the past took great pride in recording the life st…


Just as diligent disciples of the past took great pride in recording the life stories of Buddha, saints and holy ones, we would like to thank our dharma brother Sangye of 桑吉佛網 SanchiTv for flying over to Indonesia to cover the once in a lifetime event. 就像过去的弟子勤奋的记录佛陀与胜者的事迹, 我们要感谢桑吉佛网的桑吉师兄特地远到印尼来拍摄与记录这历史性,此生一次的活动! Sama seperti para murid yang rajin di masa lalu sangat bangga dalam merekam kisah kehidupan Buddha, Orang orang suci, kami ingin berterima kasih kepada Saudara Dharma kami Sangye dari 桑吉 佛 網 SanchiTv yang telah terbang ke Indonesia untuk meliput sekali peristiwa seumur hidup.

☸現正前行印尼中,這週將前行紀錄「薩迦 察巴法座持有者」_尊貴的第26任 究給企津仁波切(H.E. 26th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche)首座於印尼_薩迦察巴・那蘭陀中心開光,及一系列傳法灌頂,以傳揚金剛乘教法。歡迎法友隨喜分享,同霑喜悅! *近期較多相關花絮更新,請多包涵!衷心感恩 究給仁波切給予佛網服務的機會,及新加坡師姐居中辛勞)

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