4月5日清明节: 缅怀已逝生命,激发现有生命。尊贵的第26任究给企仟仁波切今日开始带领僧众举行大日如来法会以及灌顶。明日仁波切将与僧众修大日如来超度仪式。 5…


4月5日清明节: 缅怀已逝生命,激发现有生命。尊贵的第26任究给企仟仁波切今日开始带领僧众举行大日如来法会以及灌顶。明日仁波切将与僧众修大日如来超度仪式。

5 April: Qing Ming Festival: Honouring the Deceased, Bringing hope to the Living.
His Eminence the 26th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche led the sangha in performing Mahavairochana Ritual and conferred the Mahavairochana empowerment thru name or image. From tomorrow, rinpoche would lead the monks in the Mahavairochana Chagchod(liberation) Ritual.

