Immerse ourselves in the serenity and awe of this Highlights Video of His Eminen…


Immerse ourselves in the serenity and awe of this Highlights Video of His Eminence the Late 25th Chogye Trichen Rinpoche Grand Memorial Stupa Opening and the Enthronement Ceremony

沉浸在这个精彩视频的宁静和敬畏之中 – 尊贵已故第25任究给企津仁波切舍利塔开幕大典与座床仪式

Special thanks and graditute to Sng Meng Lee of Life View whom captured with his talents the multi-faceted emotions of excitement, joy, devotion, love, compassion and the heavenly transcendental surroundings of the sacred lands of Chogye Stupa.

特别感谢生命观的Sng Meng Lee,他以他的才华捕捉到了在场的兴奋,喜悦,虔诚,爱心,慈悲,把究给舍利塔神圣土地的天堂超然环境和多面情感投射在此视频。

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