30th Oct 2020 (Tib 22nd of the 9th month) Celebration of the 90th Birthday of …


30th Oct 2020 (Tib 22nd of the 9th month)
🎉Celebration of the 90th Birthday of our Precious Guru His Eminence Luding Khenchen Dorje Chang Rinpoche
🙏🌈🌸 🎉Happy Birthday to our Precious Guru His Eminence Luding Khenchen Dorje Chang Rinpoche!
Wishing Rinpoche live long life and good health and continue to turn the Wheel of Dharma for all sentient beings 🙏🌈🌸 2020年10月30日(藏历9月22日)
🎉欢庆尊贵的大恩上师怙主金刚持禄顶堪千仁波切九十华诞!🙏🌈🌸 🙏🌈🌸祈愿尊贵的大恩上师怙主金刚持禄顶堪千仁波切:法体安泰、长久住世、常转法轮🙏🌈🌸

