Enthronement Ceremony of Sakya Tsarpa Throne Holders on 11 Jan 2019 如果修行只是外在的…


Enthronement Ceremony of Sakya Tsarpa Throne Holders on 11 Jan 2019
His Eminence Chobgye Shabdrung Rinpoche left a powerful reminder that we should not be Buddhists focusing on mere outer displays as that is not real practice, and we are surely not real practitioners. We may accumulate some merits, but it is not as vast as real practice. Therefore, no matter what we do, it is important to couple it with a kind heart, or compassionate heart.
1/11 第26任究給企津仁波切陞坐大典,在尊勝的薩迦法王,諸位長老堪布主持下,於尼泊爾博塔前大慈寺平安圓滿了。來自十方虔信的僧伽信眾,讓原本預定3小時的盛典,多了一小時的獻供,勝典莊嚴盛重、令人欣喜!*法會詳情,及更多資訊請連結官網FB:https://www.facebook.com/chogye.tsarpa/ (場地與大爆滿的人潮,直播顧機難以分身,圖檔花絮拍得不好, 請多見諒包涵!直播影檔請逕連結,後續再將法王開示獨立上傳。)
*高清原檔&其他散景請逕下載 : https://sanchitv.smugmug.com/
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